For Patients

SI Joint Symptom Relief Success Checklist

The treatment journey for SI joint pain relief may feel like a long one. Don't make it even longer by skipping any necessary steps toward getting the right diagnosis and treatment. Here are the steps patients usually take before and after an iFuse procedure.



  1. Download the Lower Back Pain and the Sacroiliac Joint brochure (PDF).
    It covers your history, pain complaints, diagnosis, treatments, and questions to ask your doctor about your pain.
  2. Find a Doctor Trained in SI Joint Diagnosis and Treatment.
    A trained doctor will know which questions to ask and which exams you need to determine whether you pain is caused by your SI joint or something else, like your lumbar spine or hip. The symptoms can be similar.
  3. Be Sure Your Doctor Performs the Diagnostic Algorithm for SI Joint Pain (PDF).
    To rule out other conditions, your doctor should gather your history and complaints, ask you to point to the pain, and perform the five SI joint provocative tests. If you have a significant positive clinical response, you'll likely also receive a diagnostic injection to confirm the diagnosis.
  4. Record All Steps You Take Toward Diagnosis, Treatment, and Relief.
    You'll need this documentation for your insurance application. Follow your insurance policy's guidelines to ensure approval.
  5. Follow Your Doctor's Recommendations for Non-Surgical Therapy.
    Surgery is always a last resort. Try the medications, physical therapy, therapeutic injections, and other non-surgical therapies that your doctor recommends for SI joint paint relief. Again, document the results of all your activities.
  6. If Non-Surgical Therapies Fail, Ask Your Doctor Whether You're a Candidate for iFuse, the Triangle Shaped Implant.
    Your doctor will likely refer you to a surgeon, who will also ask you questions, give you a physical exam, and follow the diagnostic algorithm for SI joint pain.



  1. Follow Your Doctor's Recommendations.
    Your doctor will likely prescribed certain dos and do-nots in the first couple weeks after surgery. Follow them for the best outcome.
  2. Complete the Recommended Physical Therapy.
    Many doctors believe physical therapy helps you get back your life more quickly and ensure the best outcome from your surgery. Don't skip sessions if you can help it!
  3. Share Your Story.
    If you'd like to share your journey to lasting relief with others, we'd love to talk to you. Contact us to share your story.

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