
How do I Know that my SI Joint is not Functioning Properly?

If you have trouble sleeping comfortably, feeling of pain and leg instability (buckling, giving way) when standing, pain in certain lying or bending positions, or tenderness in your buttocks, you may have SI joint dysfunction. Visit your doctor to determine the cause of your low back pain.

SI Joint Dysfunction Tests

Doctors do not always look for the SI joint as a source of lower back pain, although many articles have been written about it.

Your lower back pain may have been previously diagnosed as originating from the lumbar spine or hip. If your symptoms don’t fit what the doctor can see on an MRI, this may indicate that your pain is coming from a place other than the lumbar spinal region. If this is the case, ask about SI joint tests.

Your doctor can determine if your SI joint is the source of your pain by ruling out other sources of pain as well as running specific SI joint dysfunction tests.

Be Prepared for Your SI Joint Exam

The most important information you can give your doctor is the exact location of your pain. Notice when the pain occurs and how intensely you feel it in various locations, including your low back, buttocks, and legs.

Also, be sure to tell your doctor about any previous injury that may have either directly affected your pelvis, or caused you to walk asymmetrically.

Read more about what to share with your doctor and how to avoid misdiagnosis.

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