
How Do I Prepare for SI Joint Physical Therapy?

These questions may assist you in getting the most out of your physical therapy appointment. After an initial evaluation, your physical therapist should have the information needed to answer the following questions.

Questions for Your Physical Therapist

  1. What is the best way for me to sleep, sit, and move during my daily activities?
  2. Which activities should I avoid that may make my sacroiliac joint pain or problem worse?
  3. Is my walking pattern acceptable or do I need to change it?
  4. Are there specific core strengthening exercises that I can perform to improve the stability of my sacroiliac joint?
  5. Do I have any specific muscle weaknesses that may be contributing to my sacroiliac joint condition?
  6. Do I have any specific muscle length imbalances that may be contributing to my sacroiliac joint condition?
  7. Are there any stiff muscles or joints above or below my sacroiliac joint that may be contributing to my sacroiliac joint condition and how will we address those?
  8. Are there painful muscles and tissues that may be referring pain to my sacroiliac joint region and if so, how will we address those issues?

Learn more about nonsurgical therapies for SI joint pain.

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