Solving Musculoskeletal Disorders of the Sacropelvic Anatomy

3,000+Behandelnde Chirurgen
75,000+Durchgeführte iFuse Eingriffe
100+Publikationen zu iFuse
Sakropelvine Lösungskonzepte bei ISG-Dysfunktion
Clinical Evidence
iFuse: Backed by Evidence
Safety, Effectiveness and Reliability
Unparalleled clinical evidence on the treatment of SI joint dysfunction with the iFuse Implant System®
See All Clinical EvidenceWatch
iFuse-3D Video
Watch this short video about the iFuse-3D Implant, which is created with the latest proprietary 3D printing technology. More VideosEducation
Formelle und spezielle Schulung zum Iliosakralgelenk für Chirurgen und Anwender

Resource Library for Healthcare Providers
Materials supporting education on the SI joint and iFuse:
- Diagnostic Videos
- Surgery Videos
- Documents
- Presentations